Sustaining our Traditions and Culture
Sustaining our Traditions and Culture
Natural Resources Invasive Species header image.
Sustaining our Traditions and Culture

Invasive Species

Invasive species are plants, animals, or other living organisms that do not naturally occur in the ecosystem AND whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic harm, environmental harm, or harm to human health. Invasive species inventory and management supports the mission of the Environmental Program to protect, restore, and enhance natural areas on the Tulalip Reservation, Tulalip owned land, and other areas of interest in an effort to achieve ecosystem resilience that can successfully support fish and wildlife for decades to come. Our work aims to serve the Tulalip Tribes’ membership now and for future generations, as well as communities surrounding Tulalip and the larger Puget Sound region. The harm caused by invasive species includes damage to infrastructure; degradation of habitat for culturally-, economically-, and ecologically-important species like salmon; directly outcompeting or predating on species like oysters and Dungeness crab; and toxicity that can hurt humans, pets, and/or livestock.

Currently, approximately 67% of the reservation is undeveloped forested land. This is a much higher percentage than in the surrounding areas, especially to the east where the city of Marysville is located. The high density of urban, suburban, and rural residential communities in the surrounding areas has led to ever-increasing pressure for development and encroachment from non-native invasive species. The Tulalip owned lands and tidelands in the Snohomish River Basin, including the Reservation, have become infested with invasive plant and animal species that are detrimental to salmon populations and habitat. The Tulalip Tribes Natural Resources Department is working to combat non-native invasive species to protect culturally- and ecologically-significant species.

Over the last decades, there has been considerable expansion in the number and size of infestations of invasive plants and animals that are of concern to the Tulalip Tribes. There are species that have not only been detrimental to the environment, but require expensive control efforts from departments including Public Works and Housing. While there are many invasive species of concern to the Tulalip Tribes, the following have been target by the Tulalip Tribes Natural Resources Staff in recent years:

  • Knotweed
  • Poison hemlock
  • Scotch broom
  • Himalayan blackberry
  • Perennial pepperweed
  • Common reed
  • European Green Crab
  • New Zealand Mud Snail

In order to continue our mission of conservation and enhancement of Tulalip Natural Resources, we have developed guides to aid Tulalip residents in successful environmental stewardship. These guides include planting guides, where to find native plants, step-by-step procedures for management of the most common invasive species on the Reservation, and other useful information. You can find the links to these resources below:

For additional information regarding environmental stewardship and native species enhancement on the Tulalip Tribes Reservation, Tulalip owned land, and other priority areas please visit:


Tulalip Natural Resources Department line art image of forest or wetland area