Sustaining our Traditions and Culture
Sustaining our Traditions and Culture
Tulalip Natural Resources Department image of near Tulalip estuary and uplands with urban development encroachment
Sustaining our Traditions and Culture

Stormwater Program

The Tulalip Tribes, as a sovereign nation, protects its natural resources, lands and cultural integrity. Culturally and traditionally, we have taken a direct role in managing our own future destiny. We are committed to protecting the Salish Sea by applying our environmental values to ensure a sustainable life for all.

The Tulalip Tribes community encompasses both tribal members and non-tribal members, since after treaty times federal legislation allowed the Reservation lands to be divided among families and sold free of federal “trust” restrictions (Tulalip Tribes Comprehensive Plan 2009).

In accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Program (NPDES) under the Phase II small MS4 Program, the Tulalip Tribes have chosen to emphasize Low Impact Development principals over conventional curb and gutter stormwater management. Although environmental conditions, such as hard pan and high groundwater, may limit the use of low impact development in some areas of the reservation, this program aims to provide incentives and guidance that prioritize low impact techniques that slow, clean and filtrate using plants and soil as much as possible.

All grading and construction within Reservation boundaries are required to implement best management practices (BMPs) to prevent soil, sediment or other debris from entering tribal waters, which are protected by Tulalip Water Quality Standards, created under the delegated authority of the Clean Water Act.

Preventing pollution is a critical part of Tulalip’s stormwater program, particularly in light of the amount of pollution that accumulates in the tissue of Puget Sound fish, Download PDF. Every resident can do their part in removing pollution from entering our water.

  • Pick up litter.
  • Fix your vehicle oil leaks.
  • Pump your oily bilge water from your boat into a pump out station for bilge water.
  • Dispose of your cigarette butts in a trash can, not the pavement or storm drain.
  • Pick up your dog’s poop in public areas as well as in your own back yard.

Since clean water is an essential resource for healthy salmon, wildlife, and humans, all residents of the Tulalip Nation are encouraged to focus on thoughtful land management and small dispersed rainwater management features that contain and clean rainwater run-off. The book “Rainwater Management – A Guide for Homeowners” provides step-by-step instructions on how to install natural rainwater management features around your home.

We can attempt to mimic how the native soils and forests store and filter rainwater, then slowly release cool, clean water to streams, wetlands, and the largest estuary on the west coast – the Puget Sound, part of the Salish Sea. Together, we can protect the way of life so cherished by all who reside here.


Tulalip Natural Resources Department line art image of forest or wetland area